Welcome to PEH Organics Recycling, Inc.:
Organics Diversion and Composting

In 2018, compostable materials such as food scraps and yard trimmings make up nearly 34% of all municipal solid waste generated in the U.S. (see pie chart). Instead of disposing of this material in landfills and incinerators, composting uses organic material to create a valuable product with environmental and economic benefits, including greenhouse gas emissions reductions and green jobs.

Recycling of some organic materials, such as yard trimmings and manure, is widespread in Maryland. One area of growing interest is food scraps diversion. Though only an estimated 15.5% of food scraps was recycled in Maryland in 2019, much of the remaining material could be prevented, used to feed humans or animals, or composted. For additional information on Food Scraps Management in Maryland visit the the state of Maryland's Food Scraps Management web page.
Effective January 2023, Maryland HB264, Organics Recycling and Waste Diversion--Food Residuals--, requires certain generators within 30 miles of a composting facility to either reduce, divert to food rescue organizations, farms for animal feed operations, or compost or anaerobically digest the residuals. https://mde.maryland.gov/programs/land/recyclingandoperationsprogram/pages/composting.aspx 
PEH Organics saw a need for these services.
We have carefully planned a business model which will provide jobs, help our environment and has several streams of commerce. Our vision is to initially concentrate in Upper Chesapeake Bay area expanding to Mid Atlantic. This method can be replicated all over the country. 
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Food Composting


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Wood Processing


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Soil Blending


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Roll-Off Services


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